How to use this blog

This page hopefully will provide a fool's guide on how to use this blog. Why I decided to create this blog is summarised in the section "about me" on the side bar (that's the left hand side towards the bottom) and described in a little more detail in an additional page on the top left.

As you may note I'm a first time "blogger" so I suppose, until I get into the swing of things, there will be some structural challenges I need to overcome myelf in adapting  the blog's structure to support my objectives. Of course over time the reasons why I am continuing this blog will likely change as will my understanding and use of the blog structure, so this page is maybe a good place.

The first several posts in the blog are largely academic as they outline and describe theoretical concepts based on literature and research conducted and how these apply to various related fields. The subsequent and substantial posts will then be focused on exploring these concepts in their implications on my own practice in the field and in generating questions or hypotheses of how chaos theory can be applied to improve assessments and interventions.

I suppose, for those new to the theory, the best suggestion is to start by reading the posts chronologically (that will mean bottom up) as my reflections of concepts will build on previous posts where these are described. We'll see how that goes.

I also actively encourage comments and I suppose that's simple to do by responding. At this stage anyone can respond but the first post will be essential to read before doing this.